I've had much fewer instances of the AI going for a random tour of the layout. Likewise, the 'run around' command actually seems to work 95% of the time, so long as certain conditions are met. You're still going to need to breadcrumb trackmarks to make the AI do anything complex, but the 'Navigate to Industry' and 'Couple to' pathfinding seems to be a lot better.

For me the single, biggest thing: They removed locking of payware routes.

Overall, yes, it is quite an improvement on TANE.

I've spent about a week with it now screwing around with some routes and the editor. with the caveat that TRS2019 is still technically beta. It was actually capable of some pretty awesome graphics, but Auran never bothered making any actual modern content for it and in typical fashion relied on community assets dating back to 2004 (some of which were broken -in payware routes). I put off buying TANE for a long time, eventually did so despite my better judgement, and really shouldn't have. I'd say "good" depends on what you didn't like about T:ANE.